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Meet Fadi Y. Takkale


Fadi Takkale is the Founder and President of MITTY (Mindset Innovation Through Transforming Yourself). He has sat as board member and held senior executive positions such as Regional Vice President of Human Resources, Regional HR Director, Regional Training & Development Director for leading global multinational organizations. Today, Fadi is globally recognized as an author and expert for his development of the “Mindset Transformation Shift,” a monumental process that is helping companies and individuals all over the world achieve their goals and dreams. His work is founded upon the belief that it is through the development of individuals that an organization can unleash its vast potential. 


Fadi is a world-renowned thought leader in Transformation Management and one of the most recognized purveyors of the idea of reshaping the corporate mindset in order to achieve unbridled success. He is what one would call an expert on human potential and brings with him over 25 years of international corporate experience and a dynamic background in Corporate Human Resources Management. 


Fadi specializes in helping individual professionals who feel stuck in their careers; and those who struggle with being seen and heard. Fadi works closely with people who build a career and life on their-own-terms that is influential, thriving, and rooted in emotional intelligence for true optimal success.


Imagine an organization, made up of individuals who not only understand how the secrets to success work – they live and breathe them. How unstoppable would this company be? This business would be the gold standard – proficient, innovative and capable of transforming each challenge into one more strength – the sine qua non of the corporate world. Fadi helps companies who struggle with communication, team management, and workplace culture, develop strong leaders, emotional intelligence, and a thriving workplace. This is exactly the reality that Fadi is creating, one individual and one company at a time. 


Book Fadi as a keynote speaker at your next event. Click to view his Speaker Bio Sheet

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Vice Chairman & CEO,


"The level of business acumen and professionalism we experienced from MITTY was superb.  Mr. Takkale actually took the time to fly out here and spend two full weeks with our line Managers and executive leadership team in order to dissect the root cause of the challenge at hand. I can truly say that without MITTY, it would have been very difficult to implement the people strategies through a complex acquision."
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National Director Business Development,


"MITTY - Great leadership Team! Great company! Great CEO! The introduction to virtual learning and managing people remotely was executed with such ease.  We expected resistance but MITTY managed the mindsets of the dynamic people in my department with creative teaching campaigns. It was a success! I did not expect these results in such a short period. Keep up the great work MITTY!"

Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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