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Regional Director Business Development,

Chevron, MENA

"For over 15 years I managed teams between 18 to 96 employees. Through MITTY's coaching program I learnt I was micro-managing instead of being micro-aware. I though I knew it all and was humbled to learn that there is a big difference between being a 'manager' and becoming a 'leader'.  Thank you Fadi for making a massive impact in my leadership journey."
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Vice President Flight Operations,

Emirates Airlines

"I truly enjoyed and benefited from the coaching program I received. The precision of understanding to my objectives and how it was broken down to workable segments was absolutely incredible. I saw matters from an entirely new perspective and this led to a large increase in employee motivation and retention. I strongly recommend MITTY and will continue to partner with them in the future."
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Coaching has always been an imperative ingredient for success amongst highly successful professionals in order to further their personal goals and professional growth. Executives frequently face a time-sensitive and stressed-filled environment, where challenges abound around work/ life balance, managing stress, and continuous challenges around people management and communication. Coaching provides a safe environment to examine methodologies, ideologies, personal habits and beliefs; which may benefit from positive shift, and tackles leadership and managerial skills in an ever-changing robust diverse environment. The benefits of coaching in this regard are:


  • Establishing accountability

  • Providing honest constructive feedback

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Provides a safe sounding board

  • Provides a different perspective

  • Reduced stress

  • Improved work / life balance

  • Improved relationship and communication skills

  • Increased leadership or management skills

  • Team cohesiveness and harmony


Personal coaching is aligned to the highly successful evidenced-based practices of Executive and Life coaching. It provides the coachee with a forum for impartial, trusted and confidential support that partners with them to positively navigate their current situation towards a preferred state.


In a busy and complex world, coaching is solutions-focussed – Our Coaches engage and help people to slow down, think more deeply, and clarify their best course of thinking, behaviour and actions for themselves. Unlike mentoring or teaching, coaching doesn’t involve being given direct answers. Our highly qualified Coaches' interactions are focussed purely on the facilitation of the coachee – their thoughts, their realities, their goals and their potential. It allows the individual to reflect on what thinking, behaviours and habits are serving them, and which they would benefit from shifting.


People today are facing unprecedented challenges. An increasingly uncertain planet, the inherent pressures of an overly-connected world through social media, pandemic, remote working, etc.


Our Coaches focus on supporting mental wellbeing and helping the coachee to identify what is important – encouraging personal development as well providing a positive approach to move through current stresses, anxieties and overwhelm towards calm, clarity and confidence.

Business Meeting
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